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Dog parks are gaining in popularity across the country, and it’s easy to see why. They allow dogs and their human parents to turn a free day into a fun day where dogs can run around and be their whimsical selves. Additionally, dog parks are great for socialization, and young pups can benefit from being around older dogs and getting used to other scents. There are myriad dog parks spread around the country, and this infographic will give you an idea of where they’re located.

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Where are the Best Dog Parks in the US? - - Infographic


Dog parks provide a multitude of benefits for dogs and their owners. For dogs, these parks offer a safe space to exercise, run free, and socialize with other dogs. Regular exercise is crucial for a dog's overall health and wellbeing, keeping them physically fit and mentally stimulated. For dogs that live in apartments and homes without backyards, these public spaces provide a much-needed expansion for them to stretch their legs and enjoy the outdoors.

Additionally, dog parks aren't just for dogs; they're also highly beneficial for their owners. They provide a social setting for owners to mingle, exchange tips, and form a community tied by their mutual love of dogs. Families also get to teach their children about being responsible pet owners. Moreover, observing dogs happily playing and interacting can result in increased levels of satisfaction and reduced stress levels for their human caretakers.

With their dual benefit to dogs as well as their owners, it's not surprising that dog parks are on the rise. They address the community's need for pet-friendly spaces, promote responsible pet ownership, and possibly improve neighborhood safety as they're often utilized throughout the day. The considerable increase in pet ownership through the years has made dog parks a valued addition to any community, enhancing the quality of life for both people and their pets.

Here’s a complete list of the top 20 dog parks in the US, their location, and their acreage:


Park Name


Size (acres)

Newtown Dream Dog Park

Johns Creek, Georgia


Beau’s Dream Dog Park

Lancaster, Pennsylvania


Montrose Dog Beach

Chicago, Illinois


Bea Arthur Dog Park

Norfolk, Virginia


Jack Ass Acres K-9 Corral

New River, Arizona


Schuylkill River Park Dog Run

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 


Pilgrim Dog Park

Provincetown, Massachusetts 


Bonita Beach Dog Park

Bonita Beach, Florida


Rosie’s Dog Beach

Long Beach, California


Warren G. Magnuson Dog Park

Seattle, Washington


Shaggy Pines Dog Park

Grand Rapids, Michigan


Thousand Acre Dog Park

Troutdale, Oregon


Fiesta Island Dog Park

San Diego, California


Shawnee Mission Off-Leash Dog Park

Shawnee, Kansas


Thornberry Off-Leash Dog Park

Iowa City, Iowa


Phil Hardberger Dog Park

San Antonio, Texas


Nola City Bark

New Orleans, Louisiana


Dogwood Play Park

Jacksonville, Florida


Madison Square Park Dog Run

New York City, New York`



Learn about the author: Ben Thompson